Master Misael Rebollar
Master instructor

Master Misael Rebollar, Owner/Founder

6th Dan Black Belt Taekwondo

6th Dan Black Belt Hapkido


Master Rebollar's credentials illustrate his accomplishments as a martial artist and a teacher. His skills and techniques are the result of 25 years of dedicated training. What Master Rebollar's students respect and appreciate about him most, however, is his gifted teaching ability. Intuitive about their needs and capabilities, Master Rebollar gives his students the best guidance and instruction for achieving their goals.

Before founding Taekwondo NC in 2009, Master Rebollar ran an academy for a major marital arts franchise. For eight years he directed the training curriculum, the after-school program, the summer camp program, and the competition team. He also gave self-defense seminars and organized martial arts demonstrations for the community. In 2006 he was featured in "Our State" magazine for his work training senior citizens in taekwondo and self-defense. Through training in martial arts, Master Rebollar has helped both children and adults develop into more productive and caring citizens of our community.

• 25 years martial arts training
• SixthDegree Black Belt through the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)
• Fifth Degree Black Belt in Hapkido
• Black belt through the World Hapkido Association (WHA) through Grand Master Tae Jung, President of WHA
• Black Belt in Moo Duk Kwan Tae Kwan Do
• Training in traditional Tae Kwon Do and Olympic Tae Kwon Do
• Training in Weaponry (Nunchakus, Bo Staff, and Sword)
•    NC Taekwondo Organization Referee Northern Chair - 2011